
Winnipeg and Manitoba News Recap: December 26, 2023

On December 26, 2023, Winnipeg and Manitoba witnessed a range of newsworthy events that captured the region’s dynamic and evolving landscape. From political developments to community initiatives.

Here’s a snapshot of these key stories, each presenting a unique perspective on the province’s current affairs.

Political Allegations on Silica Mining Approval

Premier Wab Kinew raised serious allegations against the former Progressive Conservative government, claiming they tried to fast-track the approval of an Alberta mining company’s silica drilling project in southeastern Manitoba.

This controversial claim, supported by former PC minister Kevin Klein but denied by another, has sparked a debate over political conduct during government transitions.

Manitoba Rethinks School Construction Plans

The Kinew administration is contemplating abandoning the Progressive Conservative’s strategy to build nine schools through public-private partnerships (P3s).

Premier Kinew expressed concerns about the potential financial impact on the province’s deficit, highlighting a shift in policy approach and opening up discussions about the most effective methods for infrastructure development in education.

Efforts to Increase School Nutrition Programs

In a positive move, the Manitoba government announced a $1.5 million investment to eliminate the waitlist at the Child Nutrition Council of Manitoba.

This step is part of a larger plan to implement a universal school meal program across the province, aiming to address the nutritional needs of students and support their overall well-being.

Progress in Forcible Confinement Case

Winnipeg police arrested a second suspect in a disturbing case involving the forcible confinement of a woman.

With one suspect still at large, this ongoing investigation underscores the city’s commitment to tackling serious crimes and ensuring public safety.

Manitoba Museum’s ‘Pyjama Days’ Event

The Manitoba Museum’s ‘Pyjama Days’ event offers a unique and educational experience for families during the holiday season.

The event features various activities, including special tours and interactive games, providing a fun and engaging environment for learning and exploration.

Vaping Tax Increase in Manitoba

Manitoba is set to join other provinces in raising taxes on vaping products, aiming to curb their use, especially among young people.

This tax hike reflects the government’s health-focused approach and its efforts to combat the increasing trend of vaping, particularly in youth demographics.

A photo of a young woman vaping
Photo by Top Winnipeg Team

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